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Same not same : video and sound installation by Eva Ursprung

During her stay at Flux Factory, Eva Ursprung is collecting similarities between Graz and the areas surrounding Flux Factory in Queens. In her video- and sound environment, she will highlight the similar/different faces of post- and co-industrial lifeworlds in Graz and Queens.

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OPEN CALL : Column Shifting – Stability and Cultural Equity Residency

Column Shifting is a research and public programming initiative at Flux Factory that will provide funded housing for 2 selected participants. We’re looking for research-based cultural producers, activists, journalists, social justice organizers, academics, etc. to continue ongoing work or propose a new project that works with the relationship between financial sustainability and cultural equity in small art spaces in NYC.

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CryptoParty at Flux Factory

Flux Factory will be hosting the first CryptoParty in Queens this month, featuring a series of informative discussions on privacy, surveillance and some hands-on training with digital privacy and encryption technology.

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