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Pillow Book: Solo Show by Ayden L. M. Grout

pillowbook_flier_01smPillow Book
Date: June 27-July 5
Opening party, Friday, June 27th, 7 p.m.
On view daily from 3-6 p.m.
Flux Factory artist-in-residence Ayden L.M. Grout presents her newest body of work, Pillow Book. With photography, installation, video, and text, she explores the physical, emotional, subconscious and spatial influence of furniture. Using beds as the primary material, Grout makes uncanny adjustments to quotidian objects in order to examine the way we construct intimate spaces of surrender. Visitors are invited to make a reservation to spend the night in one of several bed installations in the exhibit. To make an appointment, email aydenlmgrout [at] gmail [dot] com.
In conjunction with this exhibition, the Pillow Library will be launched. Visitors can register as members of the library, at which time they will receive a pillow to sleep upon for a limited time. Once a member returns her pillow, she can check out pillows from other sleepers. Members are invited to record anything that occurs in relation to the pillows they borrow to contribute to the library catalogue.





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