Civic Savvy: Know Your Local Government
Join us for the fifth installment of our yearlong initiative, The Future of Your Neighborhood: Who Decides? This ongoing monthly series invites New Yorkers to effectively envision and enact their advocacy skills through open dialogue, and to address their neighborhood concerns.
On October 24th we’ll learn to navigate the ins and outs of local government. What in the world is a District Leader? Who is my State Senator and what does he/she do? Why should I vote in New York instead of my home state? More importantly, why should I care about any of this? If you’ve ever asked yourself these kinds of questions, this workshop is for you.
Election day is just around the corner, and there’s much more at stake this year than the Presidential race. Meanwhile, NYC is gearing up to elect a new mayor and at least 22 of the city’s 51 Councilmembers in 2013. Join Lincoln Restler, outgoing Democratic District Leader from the 50th Assembly District, to learn all about local government in New York, who is responsible for what kinds of decisions, and most crucially, why it’s important to vote local. Become an informed citizen with your friends at Flux Factory!
This educational initiative is organized by Christina Vassallo, Douglas Paulson and Lacey Tauber.