Flux receives its 2nd NEA grant!
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Chairman Rocco Landesman announced today that Flux Factory is one of 832 non-profit organizations nationwide to receive an NEA Art Works grant. Flux Factory is recommended for a $10,000 grant to support exhibitions organized through our Curator-in-Residence opportunity.
Flux Factory is pleased to accept NEA funding in support of this new initiative – the first residency program created solely for emerging American curators. In 2013 we will expand our Flux Artist-in-Residence program (FAIR) to include two six-month curator residencies per year, during which the participants will work side-by-side with resident artists in an immersive environment to create new work collectively. Each residency will culminate in a public exhibition at the Flux Factory gallery, as well as related programming. NEA support will be used specifically for the planning and implementation of the curator residents’ public-facing activities.
“I’m proud to announce these 832 grants to the American public,” said Chairman Landesman. “These projects offer extraordinary examples of creativity in our country, including the creation of new work, innovative ways of engaging audiences, and exemplary education programs.”
In March 2012, the NEA received 1,509 eligible applications for Art Works requesting more than $74 million in funding. The 832 recommended NEA grants total $22.3 million, span 13 artistic disciplines and fields, and focus primarily on the creation of work and presentation of both new and existing works for the benefit of American audiences. Applications were reviewed by panels of outside experts convened by NEA staff and each project was judged on its artistic excellence and artistic merit.
This is the second NEA grant awarded to Flux Factory; the first of which will be $15,000 applied to our 2013 series of public exhibitions, workshops, debates, and other educational programming.
For a complete listing of projects recommended for Art Works grant support, please visit the NEA website at arts.gov.