Flux Thursday: Column Shifting
November 10, 2016
Potluck Dinner at 7pm
Presentations begin at 8:30pm
FREE!, but please bring something delicious to share
Please join us at Flux Factory for our November Flux Thursday Potluck dinner!
The evening is focused on the issues relating to Flux’s upcoming project Column Shifting, which explores the relationship between financial stability and cultural equity in small art spaces in NYC.
We’re excited to feature the perspectives and expertise of the following presenters:
Steven Englander Visual Arts Programmer at ABC No Rio, a collectively-run center for art, activism, and oppositional culture, will present on ABC No Rio in Exile.
Lynn Lobell, Grants and Resources Director at Queens Council on the Arts, a nonprofit organization that fosters and develops the arts in Queens County, and supports individual artists & arts organizations in presenting their cultural diversity for the benefit of the community.
Gil Lopez an urban farmer, eco-educator, landscape designer/installer and direct action crafter with Smiling Hogshead Ranch, will present on Ranch on Rails & the Cutoff Coalition.
Hatuey Ramos-Fermín, Director of Programs and Community Engagement at The Laundromat Project, an people-powered organization that achieves its mission by bringing socially relevant and socially engaged arts programming to laundromats and other everyday community spaces.
Eva Ursprung, co-founder and president of Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz, a self-organized platform of ~40 artists, working together in a former Coca Cola Factor in Graz, Austria.
The deadline to apply to Column Shifting is November 10th.
Column Shifting is a research and public programming initiative at Flux Factory that will provide funded housing for 2 selected participants exploring the relationship between financial stability and cultural equity in small art spaces in NYC.
Grassroots non-commercial art spaces like Flux Factory strive to play a key role in creating opportunity for all types of artistic experimentation regardless of race, socioeconomic status, or gender identity. At the same time, these small venues often struggle to survive both financially and legally. A disproportionate amount of administrative time can be spent on keeping the organization afloat, rather than fulfilling their mission statement and artistic practices. The demographics of which spaces survive and which spaces don’t closely fall along class and race lines.
Learn more about the open call here:
Eva Ursprung is supported by the Department of Culture, Europe and Foreign Relations of the Regional Goverment of Styria.