Flux Thursday: December 12, 2013
December 12th, 8pm+
FREE!, but please bring something delicious to share.
Join us for Flux Thursday, our monthly potluck dinner and art salon, which is organized this month by returning Flux Artist-in-Residence, Alex Young. Dinner starts at 8pm in the kitchen, and then around 9:30pm we’ll head to the gallery for artist presentations and performances.
Former Flux Artist-in-Residence Jaime Iglehart and mapmaker/web developer Eric Brelsford will present their project, “London Squats Archive,” an online map wiki that encourages users to submit data, histories and personal stories of London squats. Jaime will also screen a short video about that exhibition (which involved squatting a 3 story warehouse building in east London!). Former Flux Artist-in-Residence Angela Washko will show a new video from a series in which she uses “strategic life simulator games” to explore the relationship between architecture, social constructs and free will as illustrated by AI placed in built anomalies. Friend-of-Flux Dylan Gauthier and current Flux Artist-in-Residence Jimmy Riordan will talk about their current projects, while Rachel Rampleman will present a selection of videos from her Bodybuilder Studies and Portraits series, in which she explores the intersection of hypermuscularity and femininity within the subculture of professional women bodybuilders.
Image courtesy Rachel Rampleman.