Flux Thursday: May 10, 2012
May 10th, 8pm+
Flux Thursday, our monthly potluck dinner and art salon, is back! Please join us for dinner, which starts at 8 in the kitchen, and then around 9:30 we’ll head to the gallery for artist presentations.
Current Flux Artists-in-Residence Elisa Harkins will perform with music and animation, while Angela Washko will screen “Don’t Leave Me” and present image documentation from performances taking place inside of World of Warcraft. Flux Artist-in-Residence and NYCT fellow Alison Nguyen will give a presentation on her series “Irreversible Damage” which opens at the neighboring Oracle Club on May 11th. Former Flux Artists-in-Residence Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum and Randi & Katrine will talk about their respective works currently on display at Flux Factory, The Tourist Gaze and AutoBiography.
Bring drinks or something delicious to share!
image courtesy Angela Washko.