Lee Tusman
Lee Tusman presents projects that straddle the intersection of ideas that are socially-based, urban in nature and that combine unconventional practices with contemporary visual arts and internet media. Tusman has curated dozens of exhibitions and public projects for a diverse group of universities, galleries, institutions, alternative spaces and public interventions including UCLA; California State University, Northridge; University of California, Riverside; Riverside Art Museum; Little Berlin; the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts; Space 1026; Ontario College of Art and Design; and others.
Outside of institutions, Tusman curates and produces projects in non-traditional spaces including abandoned buildings, vehicles, gas stations, and elevators. Recent projects include: Creative Director and Curator of the citywide Hidden City Philadelphia Festival; Artist and Creative Director of a temporary radio station of slow experimental music for Pew Center for Arts and Heritage research group New Spaces / New Formats; Curator of an exhibition of bot-designed artwork, Heavily Scripted, for Little Berlin; Creative Director of the new Unknown Territory artist-in-residency for artists working with technology at The Hacktory in Philadelphia. He has been a curatorial member of Little Berlin art space since January 2012.