Mille Højerslev Nielsen
Mille Højerslev Nielsen (born 1987 in Copenhagen, Denmark) is a freelance writer, curator and a hard core aesthete. She holds a B.A. in Danish Literature and Language from The University of Copenhagen and is currently studying M.A. Visual Culture, also at The University of Copenhagen. Mille will be living and working at Flux Factory as a part of her masters.
Mille is planning to do her master thesis on artistic collectives and collective art production, so she will also spend her time at Flux collecting material and inspiration.
Mille is the founder of the loving collective In Words Drown I, established in 2012, which so far have hosted a large scale exhibition, curated by Mille, at a library in Roskilde. A book was also released and the contributions were all related to the exhibition in very different ways. The main focus of In Words Drown I is on cross-aesthetic aspects of contemporary literature and how to build new bridges between the writer-the reader, the reader-the work and the writer-the work. In Words Drown I is very ambitious on behave of the contemporary literature and we think it is time for the literature really overstep the boundaries of the book by taking new aesthetic form(s). The question of our investigation is: In literature, is there an artistic core that can be expressed independently of form?
Mille also works for Roskilde Festival Arts, promoting the artistic program of the festival and for KUNSTEN.NU, which is a web based news paper on contemporary art. Further more Mille used to work in Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art (Copenhagen) as a communicator and she has organized different festivals and cultural events in Copenhagen. She started out as an assistant for former Flux-residents, Katrine Malinowsky and Hannah Heilmann, on their common exhibition project and social experiment, Party and Lost (Den Frie, summer 2010), which consisted of 8 women from 4 different artists group.
Mille is interested in cross-aesthetic and interdisciplinary aspects of contemporary art, collectivity and gender issues.
Sometimes, she expresses herself artistically through drawings, films and texts.