MTABG Performance Night
This event is part of the program for Must They Also Be Gods, a Flux Factory Exhibition that runs until November 2nd.
Night of Performance
October 25, 7pm
In the Flux Factory Gallery
Zeelie is an interdisciplinary artist whose spiritual work conjures together Afro-Atlantic religious cultures to form Soulscapes–black, transfeminine, utopic, technopolitical sanctuaries. Her practice manifests revolutionary beauty to offer spaces of anti-patriarchal gentleness, light, and warmth.

Albert Andrew Garcia’s work Some Are Born As Blood examines the role of god in queer brown bodies, and how faith exchanges with inherited violence and anger.
Author, OTV founder and tenured Northwestern University professor Aymar Jean Christian says: “Felicia is an original OTV collaborator and fan. We met in 2015 and ever since, Felicia has been a consistent presence in the OTV community online and throughout Chicago. Felicia’s ‘Chronicles of a Latch Key Kid’ is the kind of representation we have never seen before.”

After serving the past six years as administrative staff at Chicago’s Links Hall, lifelong Chicagoan/artist and Prince “fam” Felicia Holman is currently a freelance cultural producer/programmer/writer, as well as a co-founding member of Afrodiasporic feminist creative collective, Honey Pot Performance. Felicia creates, presents, and supports innovative interdisciplinary performance that engages audience and inspires community. She relishes her dynamic artrepreneurial life and sums it up in 3 words—’Creator, Connector, Conduit’.
Flux Factory’s ground-floor gallery has an ADA-compliant bathroom