Peter Edwards: Specter Flux
Opening reception: Thursday, June 30, 6 – 8 pm
Dates: July 1 – 3, noon – 6 pm
Flux Factory is proud to present Specter Flux , an interactive environment and performance by artist-in-residence Peter Edwards, aka casperelectronics. The installation consists of three suspended orbs that glow at varying hues according to the sounds of its surroundings, including the ambient noise of the space and those made by the viewer. Its interior mechanism – a hybrid circuit using both digital and analogue electronics – transforms sound into an evolving display of multicolored lights. The performative element includes a constructed pyramid centered around a complex sound and light synthesizer that the artist plays. Viewers are invited to interact with the machine throughout the show.
The installation’s interior microphones gather sounds and convert them into data for processing by a microcontroller, which translates the frequency and amplitude – or pitch and loudness – of the ambient sounds of the space into the color and brightness of the LED-generated light. Lower frequencies create reddish hues, while higher pitched sounds produce blues and greens. Though loud sounds make brighter light, soft tones still create a visible reaction. Individually tuned, each orb reacts differently to audio stimuli within the range of human hearing. Clap, snap, speak, or shout, and the engulfing multi-sensory display of Specter Flux becomes a collaborative work that transforms sounds into light and its viewers into performers.
Peter Edwards received a BFA in sculpture from The Rhode Island School of Design in 2000 and is currently studying electrical engineering. In 2005, he developed the creative electronics department at Hampshire College. He teaches circuit bending classes at New York City’s new media arts center, Harvestworks, and writes for Make Magazine. Edwards has shown sculptural work, performed, taught workshops, and spoken on the topics of circuit bending and creative electronics internationally. He is currently an artist-in-residence at Flux Factory, dividing his time between New York City and Troy, New York, where he operates casperelectronics and curates the performance space Casper Land.
For more information or press inquiries, contact info(at)fluxfactory.org