Queens Action Council
In Northwest Queens, Flux Factory’s Community Organizer-in-Residence, Dylana Dillon, is a founding member of the Queens Action Council (QuAC), a group of community residents and advocates, working together for a more just and equitable local food system.
A well-attended and energized October Flux Thursday kicked off the first in a series of community building food events. This past Saturday, QuAC hosted a Winter Harvest Dinner at Jacob Riis Community Center in Ravenswood. Big thanks to City Harvest, Hour Children Food Pantry, Socrates Sculpture Park, City Growers, and all the wonderful people who braved the snow storm to try new recipes, play with worms, get crafty, and talk food with us!
QuAC meetings will reconvene in 2014! Contact queensactioncouncil@gmail.com to get involved!