Reclaiming Vacant Land for Community Use
Wednesday, June 20, 7 – 9pm
Flux Factory is pleased to present the second workshop in our yearlong initiative, The Future of Your Neighborhood: Who Decides? This ongoing monthly series discusses how members of the public can actively engage in neighborhood development. The objective is to inform New Yorkers about strategies for self-organizing to enact positive change in their neighborhoods and in the city as a whole.
In conjunction with Flux Factory’s June exhibition, Bionic Garden, we’ll present Reclaiming Vacant Land for Community Use with Paula Z. Segal of 596 Acres. In this visioning session Segal will explain New York City’s land use and real estate warehousing practices, describe where you can find information on that vacant lot in your neighborhood, and share success stories of communities gaining access to previously close-off parcels of public land. Learn how to find that special lot in your life, where to go from there, and what to do with it.
The Future of Your Neighborhood: Who Decides? will continue in future months with workshops on: urban agriculture, historic preservation, sustainable transportation, and other topics near and dear to New Yorkers. If you have an idea for a workshop, please email christina[at]fluxfactory[dot]org.
This educational initiative is organized by Christina Vassallo, Douglas Paulson and Lacey Tauber. It is supported, in part, by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.