Urban Mushroom Cultivation and Bioremediation Workshop
December 2nd, 1pm – 3pm
Price $30
Learn about mushrooms and their amazing range of medicinal, nutritional, and pollution remediation benefits with mycologist Daniel Reyes and soil scientist Nance Klehm.
This workshop is an excellent primer for food growers, environmentalists, citizen scientists, or anyone considering mushrooms to enhance their daily lives. We dive deep into the ecological and cultural importance of fungi and mushrooms in the world, introduce you to their medicinal properties, and explore how fungi can help rebuild our soil and remediate urban pollution.
We will cover theory and basic skills for mushroom cultivation and provide you with the framework to integrate this knowledge into your home, garden, or farm.
Topics covered include:
Ecology and Medicinal Properties
Low-Tech Mycelium Expansion Techniques
Composting with Fungi
Soil science and bioremediation
Mushroom Gardening
Permaculture and Mushrooms
Growing Mushrooms in a Greenhouse
About the instructors
Daniel Reyes is a fungiculturist, mycoremediator, hydrogeologist, and the founder of Myco Alliance in Austin Texas. He is a scientist with purpose, whose background includes a B.S in Hydrogeology from UT-Austin and experience with the oil and gas industry through environmental consulting. In addition to serving as technical advisor to the Amazon Mycorenewal Project and Tradd Cotter’s Mushroom Mountain, his current work includes mushroom cultivation, citizen science, and mycoremediation research at the Circle Acres Nature Preserve, an educational center located on an EPA-designated brownfield site in Austin.