Abreaction 3: Muscle Memory in the Consumption of Food
Abreaction 3: Muscle Memory in the Consumption of Food
An exhibition curated by Caroline Partamian
September 24th-26th, 2015
Full Schedule:
- Thursday, September 24th, 6-9 pm: Soft Opening
- Friday, September 25th, 6-10 pm: Opening party & performances by Ariel Abrahams, ChristinaNoel & the Creature, Bonella Holloway, & Katy McCarthy
- Saturday, September 26th, 2-7 pm: Closing reception and 5 pm Artist Talk with Andrew Murphy & Katy McCarthy (more details TBA)

Abreaction is the extraction of memory stored within a muscle, resurfaced through kinetics and physical movement, of which the individual was previously unaware. Muscle Memory in the Consumption of Food continues the Muscle Memory series conceptualized by Caroline Partamian, and invites artists to create a piece that forces the viewer to engage in the their deeply embedded traumatic, comforting, erotic, and grotesque food-related memories. Video, multimedia, and performance works explore the aesthetics of specific foods and the behavior of eating through the senses.
Artists: Ariel Abrahams, Vaba Bility , Michael Borowski, ChristinaNoel & the Creature, Eva Dean, Christian Hendricks, Bonella Holloway, Marguerite Kalhor, Sarah Manuwal, Jamie Mayne, Katy McCarthy, Andrew Murphy, and Netta Sadovsky.
About the curator:
Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and currently residing in Brooklyn, New York, Caroline Partamian is an independent curator, artist, and chef. Caroline’s exhibitions focus on the theme of kinetic memory and somatics in relation to dance, performance, and other more tangible mediums of art. She also plays guitar in the collaborative psych-punk project SCULLY.
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