August 26-October 1, 2023
Location: Upstairs, Colonels Row House 404A
Opening: Saturday, August 26, 12-6pm
The idea for this show began with a group of artists who at some point considered themselves to be printmakers. As their practices have evolved to include conceptually driven multi-faceted projects and access to facilities have come and gone their prints have often taken a back seat, tacked up in a corner or shoved away in a cardboard box. This exhibition is an opportunity to embrace the playful discoveries inherent in the printmaking process and showcase prints that these artists might not typically prioritize.
In printmaking, when an image is transferred from a matrix to a new surface (often paper) there is a suspenseful, yet magical moment of transformation and the artist lets go of control of the image giving it fully over to the process. For centuries artists have been producing prints, often editions of prints, that run parallel to their primary practices. Perhaps, this trusting of the process is part of what has drawn them to do so. Printmaking allows for a materially driven thought process which can generate imagery and ideas in a physical and freeing manner. A type of thinking which artists in the flux community apply to all types of making. Artists Formerly Known as Prints celebrates these printmakerly works that often get brushed to the side.
Participating Artists:
Itala Aguilera, Amir Badawi, Maureen Catbagan, Abby Cheney, Sarah Dahlinger, Christina Freeman, Caitlin Foley, Louis Leung, Cayla Lockwood, Jemila MacEwan, Caitlin & Misha, Will Owen, Ethan Shoshan, Jonathan Sims, Tray Tsui, Sally Beauti Twin, Roopa Vasudevan, Asya Yaschenko, Jevijoe Vitug.