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Dan Mulcare

Dan Mulcare currently enjoys being a doctoral candidate in Political Science at the New School for Social Research. As is his wont, he is finishing up his dissertation which examines the linkages between race, slavery, and the development of United States federalism. Dan presently works around town as a professor of American government. Sometimes he writes funny things, though lately his dissertation has kept him on the straight and narrow.

Written pieces:
Can Buy Me Love
A Humorous Joke Based on the Works of Herman Melville,
A Great American Writer from the 19th Century Whose Stories Concerned Relations Between the Races, Exploration of the High Seas, The Laboring Conditions of Men, As Well AS the Alienating Nature of Finance and Office Work.
Haiku central:
From The Hard Ways of the D
umhoff Gang: A Serial Play in 10 Parts.
A Very Christmas Story

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