Expert Oddities: Open Call
What– EXPERT ODDITIES: SHOW AND TELL (a night of demonstrations and presentations and celebrations!)
Where– FLUX FACTORY, 39-31 29th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101
When– Wednesday, January 5, 2010, starts at 8 pm
Contact– Angela Washko (angela.washko@gmail.com)
Do you have an unusual collection of things OR are you an expert on a topic that is oddly specific and unexplored by most of the population? If so…..you should share it at EXPERT ODDITIES: SHOW AND TELL at Flux Factory in Queens! We recommend a 6-10 minute lecture (or performance…or demonstration) paired with images (via powerpoint, computer slideshow, hand-made large diagrams, or other computer visual aid program). Feel free to also experiment with the format and incorporate performance (if you like!). You do not have to consider yourself an artist to participate!! The more diverse the expertise and collections- the better! Email angela.washko@gmail.com your completed entry form (or to get more information) by November 7th.
Expert Oddities: Show and Tell
Brief Description of who you are/what you do:
Short Description of Odd Collection or Topic of Expertise:
Will you use Microsoft Powerpoint?
If not using Powerpoint, what software/visual aids will you use?
If you have images of your collection, please attach some images for reference.