Flux Thursday: March 13, 2014
March 13th, 8pm+
FREE!, but please bring something delicious to share.
Join us for Flux Thursday, our monthly potluck dinner and art salon, organized this month by Flux Artist-in-Residence, Ayden L.M. Grout. Dinner starts at 8pm in the kitchen, and then around 9:30pm we’ll head to the gallery for artist presentations and performances that explore themes of psychogeography and contemporary creative interpretations and uses of landscape.
N.D. Austin and Ida Bendetto of Wanderlust will present their wunderkammers. Elizabeth Eisenstein will be share her recent photographic work which explores how Google Street View accommodates the passive approach landscape photography takes to the documentation of beauty. Flux Artist in Residence Zuzia Juskiewicz will read excerpts from her novel, which ruminates on the numinous qualities of the city. Urban cultural geographer and astrologer Dr. Bess Matassa will help you discover your N.Y.C. neighborhood of fate, and provide an introduction to the space production method. Richard Aufrichtig will play four new compositions from his latest musical project Ocean Music.
Photo Credit: Ocean Music (work in progress), William Moody