Factory, Who? Open Call for Proposals
Flux Factory will be hosting an evening of performance art on Saturday, September 18, 2010. The event will be called “Factory, Who?” The theme of the evening is the people of Andy Warhol’s Factory.
Performance artists of all varieties are welcome and encouraged to submit proposals. There will be four main performance spaces, all of which will be occupied simultaneously with a line-up performing for a transient audience.
Compensation in the form of tax deduction for services rendered can be provided.
Specific information to include in your submission: Can your performance adapt to a space? What technical or logistical accommodations will your performance need? What is the estimated time length of you piece? All submissions will be considered, these questions are pertinent in creating performance space line ups.
The deadline is August 30. Submissions should be sent to Chess@fluxfactory.org with “Performance Art Submission” in the subject line. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!