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The New Yorker, April 2006

issue of 2006-04-24
Posted 2006-04-17

Flux Factory offers a taste of authentic contemporary bohemianism, with a collective of seventeen-odd artists living in a warrenlike loft near the railroad tracks (and next to a Korean mega-church) and creating work together. The current project, “FluxBox,” is a room-size music box that uses homemade and found instruments – everything from an old boot striking wood to an accordion suspended from the ceiling – to tinkle, wheeze, and bellow out versions of one simple tune (written by the project’s organizer, Stefany Anne Golberg). The effect is somewhere between Kurt Schwitters’s Merzbau and Tim Hawkinson’s sculptural constructions, without the novelty of Schwitters’s found objects or the artless sophistication of Hawkinson’s machines. Through April 29. (Flux Factory, 38-38 43rd St., Long Island City. 718-707-3362.)

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