do you: open source
Sunday, 4/17 at 4 PM
$3-$5 suggested donation to help cover food costs!
do you: open source is a showcase for QTPOC artists, who deal with questions related to their identities, technology, and performance, to center their experiences and experiment out loud.
Open source codes encourage communal learning, collaboration, and support. Open source is the beginning, the site for infinite variations. Our hope is that this showcase may foster new connections, inspire creative energy, and mark a Sunday when Things Felt Urgent.
tabita rezaire
marcelline (#ATMDATA)
Organized by Yatta Zoker, a sierra-leonean american digipoet & performer who remixes shamanic sounds with her jazz vocals to create music to lie down in. her work has been featured in Dazed Magazine, the Walker Art Center blog, and in Electric Object’s Art Club. she will be spending her time at Flux Factory creating a one-woman show exploring the connection between psychosis, spirituality, and african-ness/colonization.
[this is a qtpoc-centered event, featuring, led by, and booked by QTPOC.
Flux Factory’s Safer Spaces Policy]