Guest of a Guest – February 6, 2012
A Feast Of Food, Art And Entertainment At Flux Factory’s Banquet For America
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Puppetry! Donuts! A mayor in drag! Last Friday night, Flux Factory kicked off an entertainment-filled Opening Reception of Banquet for America, “an experimental utopian village centered around a banquet table.”
In a scene right out of Synecdoche, a collaboration of artists have actually constructed a miniature, whimsical village within the old factory, with stores that range from a Donuttery, to a jewelry store, to a beauty salon where a haircut or manicure can be had in exchange for a piece of juicy gossip.
Opening night featured many artists and entertainers who performed for the crowd packing the banquet hall, which offered a feast free of charge. (It was taco night.) The “Mayor” of the banquet, LuLu LoLo, a female artist in drag, gave an opening speech and recited poetry, before puppeteer Adam Ende took the stage to perform a scene from Genesis, a semi-graphic reenactment of the first recorded “spilling of seed.” Afterward, Brooklyn-based band Trabajo performed for a rockin’ grand finale.
The crowd, which ranged from Upper East Siders to Occupy Wall Streeters, explored the many elaborately-crafted stores, which were all constructed from reclaimed materials. Guests sang karaoke while sipping beer and cocktails that could be purchased with a suggested donation, the only fee to see one of New York’s most unique ongoing exhibitions.
But hurry! The closing Bacchanalian Banquet is February 12: “a visual and tactile extravaganza influenced by Greek and Roman saturnalia and Filippo Marinetti’s Futurist Cookbook.” This is one exhibition you’ll definitely want to feast your eyes on.
Through February 12 at Flux Factory, 39-31 29th Street, Long Island City. Open every day from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Special events throughout.