September Flux Thursday
Thursday September 11
Dinner at 8pm, Presentations begin at 9:30pm
The event is free, but do bring something to share!
Please join us on September 11th for our monthly community potluck and art salon: an informal time to catch up with old friends, eat something delicious prepared by our artist-chefs, and learn more about projects by Fluxers old and new.
This month, new artist-in-residence Matthias Borello will present a video piece by Danish artist Morten Dysgaard which examines a scene from the original Superman (1979) challenging the white, male, American figure of the superhero. Maura Brewer and her collaborator Abigail Glaum-Lathbury will present their Utopian Jumpsuits: non-gendered, and radically sized designs drawing on histories of radical fashion, Victorian dress reform, feminism and science fiction. Artist-in-residence Jaime Iglehart will screen a segment of her new documentary, Made Possible By Squatting, a video which chronicles a week in the life of a squatted social center in London. And to humbly honor the evening’s obvious anniversary, artist-in-residence Alex Nathanson will organize 9/11 jokes chronologically in an attempt to define the genre, explore what it means to evoke the event, and debunk “too soonism.”