Huggeormen is hosting a celebration with Flux Factory, Aarhuspanti, Aarhus Billedkunstcenter and BKF Midt. We'll bake pizza in an outdoor kiln, light the bonfire up proper, consume copious cool beverages, and host karaoke, Murga Porteña, performances and more! Please RSVP on Facebook. Find us at Huggeormen, P. Hiort-Lorenzens Vej 19 A-D Crip'd Karaoke with Moira…
In Flux's last week at ARoS Public, we're throwing a gala to rival the Met. Joining performances by Flux artists in Residence will be a pop-up exhibition of paintings from Aarhus locals "Being Queer in Straight Time". Dew Onwuka will present new garments for our gala, the theme of which will be "Not Neutral". Moira…
Amphora’s Amorpha (Dance, Music, Puppetry, Theater, Art) will be a multi-media festival Oct 2, Oct 9 and Oct 16 featuring more than 16 artists on Governors Island at Flux Factory’s residency in building 404A. October 2nd will feature outdoor performances with visual art backdrops, showcasing music by Alice Cohen and Breakaway with a dance performance…
October 8, 7-10pm at the Chocolate Factory Theater
Let’s think about the shared history of Black Folks in the same way poet Hanif Abdurraqib describes the Soul Train Line: A narrow writhing seemingly endless tunnel of Black Folks smiling and clapping.
In this workshop, Black Femme Brunch will guide participants in leaving behind the present and pursue the possibility of a future world. This event is part of the Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See group exhibition.
This weekend @anikatodd will be leading a workshop at flux factory on Governors Island. We will be learning to make balloons that heat up at Sun. They can be sculptures or Lyft sculptures. We will fly them together the following weekend on Halloween. Come by this Saturday or Sunday anytime from 10 AM to 10…
A group exhibition on Governors Island featuring day job related pieces by 17 artists who daylight as teachers, security guards, construction and retail workers, market researchers and more. Open to the public Saturday and Sunday October 30 and 31 11-5pm on Governors Island, Nolan Park, house #404A Special “Day Job”, Worst Case Scenario Costume Karaoke…
Sympoietica, by Maureen Catbagan and Sholeh Asgary, is a participatory performance that creates a space of solace, recuperation, and creative expression through our relationship to the earth and its multi-species inhabitants. The audience is invited to participate in a guided soundscape, movement, and reflection exercise that connects Governors Island biodiversity and history while expressing their…
A fictionalized short documentary about an artist who works at a museum during the pandemic. Starring Flux Factory artist Jevijoe Vitug and featuring music by Ben Seretan. The short was directed by Carlos David TC in 2021 and its production was made possible (in part) by the Queens Council on the Arts with public funds…